الأحد، 27 نوفمبر 2011

Jertq Sudanese usually combine marriage rituals and joying

There are many marriage customs and traditions in Sudan's like tribes and territories spanning the vast land, but this diversity all meet at one point is usually called "Jertq" with miraculous ritual believed by many, especially women, it is good omen, which guarantees the continuity of marriage.

And Jertq tradition of Sudan "100%" proud family proud beyond description, because the exercise and follow the rituals make the family believe in the conviction that corner a major complement to the marriage often used for the marriage certificate, and start ritual practice often the same day of the marriage night. And start the preparations for the Gertq processing red dress color and silk Moah Balancer Golden and energy of pure gold to be placed on the bride's hair, in addition to a decade of Alonsas or Alfaraglat or pound gold with a mass of red silk to bind on the wrist new wife surrounding a bead with large color Turquoise think many of the Sudanese women, especially older they protector of magic and proof of the injury happening to the bride, and the ancient Sudanese families not only believe in pure gold for the evening filled with songs of joy and girls.

And sit the bride on the bed (bed), wooden carpeted in red and the edge piece of cloth edge bobble to sit the bride, and after that comes the groom's family in the company of her son loaded a dip ease black and a crescent gold embroidered and the subject of a handkerchief tied around the forehead of the groom, provided that Ilthv dress Alsarta famous pregnant with him Siva doctrine shake in joy to the audience after the thrill has been shaken to the songs of Jertq enthusiastic. Continue to offer evening Jertq When you make a bride's family which was so Angora luxurious mattress beautiful with a piece of iron round silver color and the dishes of candy and dates luxury perfumes Sudanese variety on her head Alsndlah and Fleur Damor, perfumes Parisian other side powder sandalwood and Custard cups milk, candy, and fumes Sudanese custom-made sticks of sandalwood to piles of authentic atmosphere of the evening, which accepted and invited to attend Madawat all of their significance. The start of older families in the dress the bride headdress doctrine and rosaries and black silk red on the wrist right and a little dough fragrance Sudanese authentic winery (by bringing Alha) on the central Alharqubl to sit the groom off the bride to exchange the quantities of sweets and dates for the seven-times eat what in her hands and return it to second and the seventh time when the groom stand up to those amounts distributed to the attendees. After the end of the ceremony Atrahq the groom and bride with milk amid the joy and applause, followed by a moisturizing the air grains of perfume fragrant sprinkled on the guests who participate in the singing voice beautiful to show the bride's dress, red is striking and exchange dance rhythm and songs dedicated only for an evening Jertq, announcing the end of the ceremony Jertq, as well as the end of the ceremony the wedding. It is known that the marriage ceremony in Sudan, with rituals and customs of the complex is not limited only to the Jertq but there on Custom (bridge money) dowry, and the opening of "Alkhhm" requested by the bride and "Breakfast groom" and train Sheila loaded with all the food and gifts, but once you complete all of these preparations Even the top of the list and stop Jertq intensive preparations, because the two families has Tltkien much prayer and celebrate the practice of rituals than convictions. 

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