الاثنين، 28 نوفمبر 2011

10unusual uses for salt

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10 unusual uses for salt

Salt that magic ingredient that makes our food taste is acceptable, usually only use it in our kitchens, but the salt has a lot of benefits and other uses and we will review some of them in this threa 

1 - swelling eyes:
 Often cumbersome bad days at work and reflected negatively on our appearance, especially those who work requires him to spend long hours in front of the computer screen, which leads to the formation of bad swelling around the eyes.
Salt in this case can be useful to you, except what you bring to a handful of salt dissolved in a little hot water, and clear areas around the eye is swollen with a wet piece of cloth from the brine. The salt to help pull moisture from the bulges in tight skin around the eye and thus alleviate these bulges.

2 - remove tough stains:

 Can remove blood stains by washing with a saline solution cool and then complete the washing with hot water with a lot of soap or washing powder, can also remove stains race using brine hot and wash the spot it, and re-salt brilliant white clothes by boiling the white clothes with water added to it the right amount of salt and baking soda.

3 - smoothness of the skin:

 Add salt to olive oil, put the mixture on the skin and rub in a circular motion and then left a few minutes before rinsing massage activates the body's blood circulation, and salt to get rid of dead skin and the olive oil to coat the skin.

4 - reduction of the capacity of the bee: 

After removal of needle bee, put a paste of water and salt immediately to the sting and then left to dry the paste salt to reduce inflammation resulting from the sting and pain relief

5 - Reservation of fruits: 

Usually chopped fruit changes color after leaving for a short time, but if the fruit after cutting immersed in brine light - so do not change the taste - it keeps its color and freshness.

 6 - Reservation of the milk and coffee to improve:
Add a teaspoon of salt to the milk as soon as you buy it you can ensure survival for a longer period in the refrigerator, as it can get rid of the bitterness of coffee by adding a small amount of salt to improve taste.

 7 - maintain the candles:

 To keep the candles from melting completely, we Soak new candles for two hours or three in a strong saline solution to get the candles melt with difficulty

8 - clearing the kitchen sponge:

 I always carry sponges used in cleaning a lot of bacteria that accumulate with the time, we cleared Bnqaha in brine strong cold for two hours to get rid of bacteria.

9 - to help clean the fireplace:

 If we fill a handful of salt in the heater will get a beautiful flame orange color as well as it will help in reducing the backlog of black smoke and easy to clean.

10 - alleviating pain, throat and teeth:.

Can dissolve two teaspoons of salt in a quarter cup of warm water and rinse them for twenty seconds to ease dental pain, and soothe sore throats, we Balgrgerh the same solution

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