الأحد، 27 نوفمبر 2011

Sudanese dress .. Ambassador of the country

Is not a dress Sudanese mere costume distinguishes the Sudanese, as it has come with the passage of time is part of the folklore of the country that is keen citizens of the Declaration of belonging to it in various ways, especially when Eogodon outside their country, in reference to their identity and their culture, as well as being expressed on the social and economic status of women Sudanese can not be without its treasury of «dress» several copies of it, increase the elegance, even if it were not worn down, and even the songs Sudanese national were found in this outfit some of the smell of home, which distinguishes between the homelands, including the song «O my, O pills , O Abu robe and Top ». The history of «dress» Sudan to many years, increase the depth of its effect on the vocabulary of the social life of Sudan. In the past, girls in Sudan, is committed to wear once it reaches the age of twelve years old, marked the completion of her femininity, and reflect the arrival of marriageable age. In other words, was a way to draw people's attention that the boys had become overnight a young, able to bear the responsibility of marriage and the supervision of the house, to the extent that the girl was obliged to wear for this purpose, until recently. It is different for the Sudanese married, they can not repudiate the wear, because it is a clear signal as a married woman. And extends the relationship «dress» vocabulary social customs of Sudan, for up to marriage customs unique customs and rituals. The evidence on the importance that it tops the list of gifts provided by the groom to the bride, and the number of ranges to it by the vestments of between 3-12 different colors. Not only that, but should also buy the groom dress accessories, from shoes to handbags occasion, which is usually termed by the people of Sudan to call it «Sheila». Colors are determined by the appropriate dress to be worn where, Valthob Red embroidered and studded with some of the ornaments, worn by the bride after the wedding ceremony, which is usually followed by the name «Jertq», where the groom wore national dress for men, a robe and a turban. The dress with a white Ftertdi Sudan in the event of the death of her husband, with or regularly wear it throughout the waiting period does not change at all. In general, the white in the Sudan continues to reflect the sadness unlike other countries where women are wearing the color black. Sudanese dress and did not reflect the social situation of the Sudanese women only, but it is also considered an important indicator of the status and economic status of her husband. His Excellency the garment, color, and Modelh play a major role in determining the price and thus determine who accept to buy it, where the dress a matter of pride and modesty, especially in the social events, we find women compete to wear the finest clothes, also known as the status of men economic, including the purchase and donate the dresses for his wife . If the Arab proverb says that for each place of an article, says the Sudanese women «for every meeting dress» When visiting Sudanese women neighbors dressed in a simple dress neighbors call it, and when one receives in her home, dressed in a suit with the appropriate, and so on. The price of the dress Sudan between $ 50 and $ 700 for dresses with luxurious materials and beautiful embroidery. Sudanese dress consists of a piece of cloth varies in length depending on how worn, reaching the length dress, which is linked from the center to four and a half meters, while the length of the garment that is worn without linking it to the center, about nine meters. The method of wearing the garment, is up by wrapping around a woman's body and head, similar to the way in Sarees, which is different from the Sudanese dress that covers the head of the woman. Sudan is keen to wear a skirt or dress color suitable for color clothes before wearing it. In Sudan, stylish women know the number of pieces of cloth in their possession must be compatible in color with the color of her skin and the size of her body, whether thin or overweight. Not only that, but extends to judge the elegance of women into the coffers of its contents accessories complement the elegance of «fab». And start the accessories of the shoe and handbag, their appropriateness and Tanasgahma with their dresses. Sudanese dress fashion world is full of the other and renewed, although the typical design that does not depart from the usual form of dress, and the difference comes from quality of cloth and user Ttrizzath, as well as accessories that are coordinated with him. Design is used in silk, chiffon-ROM, and cotton and other types of fabrics with different colors, some are masters and printed with paintings of impressive and vivid colors and bold or quiet and formal as desired. Also differ in the severity of the garment according to the environment emanating from them, there are «the individual» is the name of the dress worn by women in eastern Sudan, and is made from cotton net which does not require embroidery, there are also «Allaoh» a garment worn by women in the south, which is characterized by linking from the shoulder without the need to put it on the head, as is customary in the garment of Sudan. Sudanese merchants and resort to the launch of the names of the most important events related to social, political and economic than what they are selling dresses, and you can during the tour between the Sudanese dress shops to learn the latest developments on the social and political scene in Sudan. Among those names «shower», «Internet», «Naivasha», «Hms Gulf». Sudanese identity of the dress, did not prevent the country such as Switzerland that includes among its borders the largest garment factories in Sudan, Switzerland is one of the largest producers of garment Sudan, the Sudanese market where supply more than 82% of the needs of this outfit. He continues, costumers Swiss market of Sudan and the Sudanese monitor trends in taste, to devise the best and most beautiful forms. Like many of the legacies of national, influenced dress Sudanese era of globalization and cultural openness, who did not have mercy on the garment of competition within the Sudan with other clothing, especially the cloak Gulf, which has become the main challenger to dress women in the north of Sudan, home to a large proportion of Muslims, which gives abaya women's mobility, compared Balthob Sudanese who often complain of women that limits their movement, which called for some women to devise a new way to wear it, by tying around the waist on the way Sarees, and put another part as a cover for the head Tsdelh women on her left shoulder, We call this type of dresses, «link» and raw materials are in the habit of silk and chiffon.

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